Top Ten List: How to Appear Rested When Exhausted

1. Stethoscope Prop: Always wear your stethoscope around your neck. It makes you look like you’re on your way to save a life, even if you’re struggling to stay conscious.

2. Power Pose: Stand tall with a clipboard in hand. Looking like you’re in charge adds two hours of fake alertness to your shift.

3. Strategic Coffee Mug: Always carry a half-empty coffee mug. Everyone will assume you’re just caffeinated enough to handle anything.

4. Pretend Pondering: Nod thoughtfully during conversations, as if you’re deeply considering a diagnosis … while secretly trying to remember what day it is.

5. Pen Tap Technique: Tapping your pen rhythmically on your chin signals intense focus — and might help keep you from falling asleep.

6. Squint with Purpose: Narrow your eyes slightly. This “focused squint” can hide the fact you’re fighting to keep them open and looks like you’re solving a medical mystery.

7. Lab Coat Trick: Roll up your sleeves like you just scrubbed in. It gives off a “ready for action” vibe, even if your next action is finding a corner to nap.

8. Fast-Paced Walking: Walk briskly down the hall with a folder in hand. No one questions the tired doctor who’s always in a hurry.

9. The Serious Face: Furrow your brow during rounds. People will think you’re deep in thought about patient care instead of deep in need of sleep.

10. Wear Glasses (Even If You Don’t Need Them): Glasses make you look smarter and more awake, even if the lenses are working harder than you are!

A few of these tricks might help you look fresh — at least until the next shift rolls around!

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